It of great concern, that so many people or our young ones just hear the word citizen, they dont know who a citizen is, rights they have as citizens and their roles as citizen.
We are going to look at this in little detail using Nigeria as a country with over 200million. Some are born citizen, while some are not, some have never heard of the word before and some are not educated enough to know.
We must first understand :
The word citizenship refers to the relationship which exists between an individual (Citizen) and the country he lives.
Citizens are expected to obey the law of the land and perform certain duties to his country.
On the other hand, the country is expected to protect live and property of the citizen.
The country ought to provide basic amenities such as roads, electricity, pipe- born water for it's citizen.
A citizen can be described as a legal member of the country, he lives with full constitutional rights.
Citizens as indigineous member of the country owes the country total obedience and also enjoy some rights and privillages.
Citizens are expected to pay his taxs promptly, defend his country, obeys the coyntry's laws, exercise his voting rights during election e.t.c.
The number one citizen of a country is the head of state, that is the president.
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